Friday, December 14, 2018


Today is a free day for me. No work so I will be just mucking around at home. See what comes out of it. Will probably play SSO in order to level up my current horse. 

Thursday, December 13, 2018


Bought presents today! For my cousin's daughter. She's kinda a bitch to shop for. Was easier when she was a bit younger, but now that she's in her teens, well, it's getting harder. Hopefully, she'll like it. It's for X-mass. Won't write what I bought her, just in case she finds this blog. :D

Wednesday, December 12, 2018


I got a new game for my phone about three days ago. Empires. Similar principle to Dungeon Gems which is a game I loved to bits, but then they stopped developing it. Bummer... But this is a good substitute. For now. I'm happy with the game. Though, like always, the best looking heroes are some of the weakest... Bummer... Still, the game is good. Could do with less city building but meh...

Tuesday, December 11, 2018


Hehe! Mám epizodku! A žeru indiánka. 
Je výbornej.

Sunday, December 9, 2018


I had something I wanted to post today. But forgot what. And then I remembered but decided to hold on to it till tomorrow.

Saturday, December 8, 2018


So, I got absolutely no idea what to write about today. Not even my usual blurb in Czech. Those one-liners. Like, I finally have a free day tomorrow. That's a good news. Oh, and hey! There will be an episode of Detective Conan on this evening. As well as SAO Alicizion. At least I hope so. SAO might only be tomorrow... Still good though. DC is my favorite anime. Like, Spiral - Suiri no Kizuna is great, but hey, I would absolutely love it if they made a remake of it... New animation and everything. The story can stay the same. It's good, but I would love an upgraded animation.
And my nail is getting in the way of writing. It's too long. It's making it hard to hit the right keys as well as not "not-press" keys. I should cut it at least a little bit. To make writing easier. I probably will. Soon.

Thursday, December 6, 2018


I wrote a poem. I might post it later. It's kinda dark-ish... Inspired by the twilight forest mod for Minecraft. Hee-hee!

Wednesday, December 5, 2018


A menuje se Jiřina. Aspoň teda ten v práci. Jiřík dělal Mikuláše. A jelikoš Jiřík je Jiřina, tak Jiřina byl Mikuláš.
A umřel švec.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Sem kordošila

Tak já jsem dneska kordošila. Dělala jsem koordinátora a to proto, že jich máme nějákej nedostatek. Tereza dala výpověď, Jana je chorá, Jiřina měl volno a Silva s Andrejkou taky nebyly přítomny. Jenom na odpoledne přišla Kirch.
No, a jelikož a protože já to tak něják trochu umím, tak dostala Klára takovej nápad. Včera. Že dneska budu ráno koordinovat já. No, tak jsem koordinovala. A Ruda mi k temu přicmrndával. No, tali jsme to dohromady. Něják. Kdyby u teho nebyla řídící, tak by to bejvalo bylo lepčí.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Acrylic Paints

I bought acrylic paints. Only white, silver, golden and lilac, but I'm satisfied with them. They do the job I need them to do.

Sunday, December 2, 2018


Opsáno z výrobku [Po Slovenski]:
Nosový inhalátor. Po otvorení vložte inhalátor do nosa a hlboko sa nadýchnite - uvoľníte tým dýchacie cesty. Budete sa cítiť sviežo a bude sa Vám ľahšie dýchať.

A vono to dokonce funguje. Opravdu to pomáhá. Takže pokud máte ucpaný nos jak já, tak si to kupte. A pro sichr se taky zásobujte kapesníkama. :D

Saturday, December 1, 2018


Relatives visited today. Left about an hour after I got home from work. Oh well, at least now I can totally relax. And do nothing. Or almost nothing.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Furt nic...

Vážení a milí. Ten auditor na nás sere! Opět nepřišel. Jestli přijde zítra, tak to bude dost divný, protože si myslím, že v sobotu nechodí. Natož v nedělu. Takže jestli přijde, tak to asi bude v pondělí. To jde, to tam jsem taky. Ještě jsem s panem auditorem neměla tu čest. Ještě mi nebyl představen. Tak uvidíme, jestli vůbec přijde nebo až někdy po novým roce...

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Lynn Anderson - Ding A Ling, The Christmas Bell

Well, it seems like I'm adding another video. Lynn Anderson. Ding A Ling the Christmas Bell. I'm getting ready for X-mass. What 'bout you?

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Hahahaha! Milušce se vyplnily jenom dvě předpovědi! Dotase chtěli přes šest set tisíc, tržba byla milion šest set, ale auditor nepřišel! :D
Přijde zítra, určitě. :D A nebo v pátek, když nám grupáci dovezou prachy.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


Co se zítřka týče...
Možná přijde i auditor. Pokud ano, tak ho pošlu ke Křížům.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Nightcore - Boulevard of Broken Dreams

Another video. Again nightcore. Just because I can. Also, what do you think about Article 13? I don't think I like it. The A13 I mean. 

Sunday, November 25, 2018


Totally. This post is a blurb from me. Just a random post about random things. Andrejka from work was your regular Pat&Mat. Me and Romča were ready to kill her if she fucked up one more thing. :D
Oh well, sometimes the machines are simply against you and there's nothing you can do. Perhaps tomorrow will be better. 

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Summer of '69 - Nightcore

Just because I can. I find myself really liking this song. The nightcore version. So here it is from youtube for you to listen to too. :)

Friday, November 23, 2018

A Joke [Czech]

It's in Czech, but I decided to add stuff in all the languages I understand to this blog. So you will just have to deal with it. It's funny after all. That is if you understand it.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Kai Hiwatari [Old Pics]

So, just a bunch of random pictures I drew ages ago. Just needed to add something. Well, not really needed, but wanted to. So, it's Kai from the Beyblade anime. The original one. Before Metal fusion and that kind of stuff came out. Never watched that. No, I did watch it, just not all of it and I still think that this one was better. Not V-force, but Beyblade and Beyblade G-Revolution was great. Like, I would still probably like it, but even though I loved it as a kid, now, I would prefer to watch something else. Like maybe another episode of SAO Alicization? I could go for that but will have to wait for Sunday for the episode to come out. I would even go for an episode of Detective Conan, probably even better than SAO, since it's something that I've been into for much longer and it also has lots more episodes. Over 900. Like, I don't expect SAO to have that many, but the fact is, that DC is still great even after that many episodes. Though I will never be on board with the Ran/Shinichi romance. I'm a Kaito/Shinichi fan. As well as Akai/Furuya fan. So give me either of those and I'll be happy. Or interchange those two in any way and I'll still be happy. Funny thing is, there are no fanfics that would pair Amuro [Furuya] with Conan. Hina's disappointed... 

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Gokumon Satsujin

For those who don't know what that title is referring to, it's a Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo Returns case file about a series of murders that happen in a prep school that hosts a study camp in a location that has given the camp a prison prep nickname. And why am I naming a post after this? Well, I've just been rewatching this case. After watching the live action rendition of it and ranting about them dropping Akechi and replacing him with Lee keiji. Not the nicest thing for them to do. Akechi is the best character. Also, the anime version of the case is a bit more detailed and somehow more coherent. No, not coherent, cohesive. Better constructed. 
The case that follows this one is also great. Takes place on a moving airplane and Akechi ends up piloting the plane after the pilot dies and the murderer is revealed to be the co-pilot. Need to find out if this one was made into live action too... I know that the one where Kindaichi and the Puppeteer from Hell are made to work together was. But not sure about this one. 
Hell, I don't even know what I'm writing anymore. I just don't really have any idea today. I need to add what I'm writing about into my planning. Which reminds me that I still need to write down the plan for tomorrow. Though if I know myself well, it's only gonna take two or three minutes. Unless I get sidetracked by something. LIke the itch on my foot right now... And I can't even scratch myself properly as I'm timing myself while writing. Still got five minutes left to keep spewing some letters. But that itch is driving me crazy! Screw that, I need to scratch it!

I've been getting back into reading Harry Potter/Severus Snape fanfiction. I used to read it a lot, but then I switched around and read many other fandoms as well as crossovers. Which I love the most anyway. Nothing like a great crossover. My favorite is characters from other fandoms reincarnated as Harry Potter. Though the story must include either slash or have no one paired with Harry. If Harry is paired with a girl, I won't read it. I'm a slash addict and there is only one single exception to the rule. This single exception is the Ada Wong/Leon S. Kennedy pairing from Resident Evil. Like, it would be even better if someone genderbent Ada into a boy, but I've never seen anything like that written down and believe me, I looked for it. Boy did I look for it! I searched like crazy to find something like that, but to no avail. So I decided that every rule needs an exception and made this one. Though there will never be any other. At least I don't think there will. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Snow & Pokemon

It's snowing outside and I'm playing pokemon GO on my phone. It's snowing in the game too so I'm hoping to catch some snow or ice type pokemon. Instead, I just got a bug type... Lame. Oh well, you get what you can. I'm gonna transfer him anyway. He's weak. Maybe the next one will be better. And not a bug type. I have too much Volbeat candy and he's not even evolvable... WTF am I supposed to do with it... Feh. I'm gonna go and transfer that pokemon if I didn't already do it. I did, just after catching it. Good. 

Monday, November 19, 2018

Why no Akechi...

Hina's disappointed. Yesterday, I started watching Kindaichi live action. Japanese, obviously. Went through the first series. Skipped an episode here and there, the ones I was sure that Akechi wouldn't be in. But, lo and behold, there's no Akechi at all... So, I went and started googling. Turns out that there is Akechi, but it seems it's only like two or three episodes out of the whole series. And then I got it in my head to watch Kindaichi Neo, which follows Kindaichi Returns anime. So I do so, again, no Akechi. So I go and watch the Prison Cram School special. Hoping that Akechi would be at least there... Again, no luck... The fuckers decided to drop him completely! Even though he's like the best character out of the whole series... In the Prison Cram School, he's replaced by detective Lee from Hong Kong. Like, nothing against the actor or the character, but heck! I went to find the live action solely for Akechi... And then there's no Akechi to be seen... Hina's disappointed!!!

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Wayward Pines

How come nobody told me that Wayward Pines has more than one book?! Also, how come that I only now learn about the TV series that is based on the books? I mean, I was only looking for a picture of the book cover... And I found a treasure trove of things... Oh well, at least I will have something to watch, right? I mean after I finish the last two episodes of Kindaichi. Can't start anything else new unless the old has been finished. 
Also, I read a great Harry Potter story, but it only has 12 chapters so far and I've read all of them. And I want more. So hopefully, the author will update soon. Cause I hate it when I read something great and then I have to wait for updates. Though it would be even better if Mai Kusakabe updated Recreated Fire. My favorite Harry Potter and One Piece crossover. Love it. Will try to finagle a pdf copy from her when it's finished. For archiving purposes as well as offline reading. 

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Deutsch [German]

I'm relearning the German language. 10 minutes per day when I focus only on that. I'm using my old textbooks from high school. So far so good. What I don't understand, I google translate, but it seems that my method is working so far. Guess it's not that hard. It's just about the method one adopts for learning. In high school, and as well as the second part of grade school, what most would consider middle school, I had either horrible teachers for the subject or horrible teaching method. I learn languages instinctually, not by learning all the rules. Mainly because the first language I learned is English and that one has more exceptions than rules so I never really learned the why's, only that things are one way or another. And then the rest was filled in by reading fanfiction and watching movies and series online. I'm gonna go and do the same with German after I re-learn at least the basics. One problem will be finding something worth watching that's in the German language. I really don't like German TV production so I'm not sure what I'll watch... I used to love Alarm fur Kobra so I might go with that. And yes, that's the original German name for the series. In English, it would be... Hell, I don't know... In my mother language, it is Kobra 11...