Today is a free day for me. No work so I will be just mucking around at home. See what comes out of it. Will probably play SSO in order to level up my current horse.
Friday, December 14, 2018
Thursday, December 13, 2018
Bought presents today! For my cousin's daughter. She's kinda a bitch to shop for. Was easier when she was a bit younger, but now that she's in her teens, well, it's getting harder. Hopefully, she'll like it. It's for X-mass. Won't write what I bought her, just in case she finds this blog. :D
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
I got a new game for my phone about three days ago. Empires. Similar principle to Dungeon Gems which is a game I loved to bits, but then they stopped developing it. Bummer... But this is a good substitute. For now. I'm happy with the game. Though, like always, the best looking heroes are some of the weakest... Bummer... Still, the game is good. Could do with less city building but meh...
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Monday, December 10, 2018
Sunday, December 9, 2018
I had something I wanted to post today. But forgot what. And then I remembered but decided to hold on to it till tomorrow.
Saturday, December 8, 2018

And my nail is getting in the way of writing. It's too long. It's making it hard to hit the right keys as well as not "not-press" keys. I should cut it at least a little bit. To make writing easier. I probably will. Soon.
Friday, December 7, 2018
Thursday, December 6, 2018
I wrote a poem. I might post it later. It's kinda dark-ish... Inspired by the twilight forest mod for Minecraft. Hee-hee!
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
A menuje se Jiřina. Aspoň teda ten v práci. Jiřík dělal Mikuláše. A jelikoš Jiřík je Jiřina, tak Jiřina byl Mikuláš.
A umřel švec.
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Sem kordošila
Tak já jsem dneska kordošila. Dělala jsem koordinátora a to proto, že jich máme nějákej nedostatek. Tereza dala výpověď, Jana je chorá, Jiřina měl volno a Silva s Andrejkou taky nebyly přítomny. Jenom na odpoledne přišla Kirch.
No, a jelikož a protože já to tak něják trochu umím, tak dostala Klára takovej nápad. Včera. Že dneska budu ráno koordinovat já. No, tak jsem koordinovala. A Ruda mi k temu přicmrndával. No, tali jsme to dohromady. Něják. Kdyby u teho nebyla řídící, tak by to bejvalo bylo lepčí.
Monday, December 3, 2018
Acrylic Paints
I bought acrylic paints. Only white, silver, golden and lilac, but I'm satisfied with them. They do the job I need them to do.
Sunday, December 2, 2018
Opsáno z výrobku [Po Slovenski]:
Nosový inhalátor. Po otvorení vložte inhalátor do nosa a hlboko sa nadýchnite - uvoľníte tým dýchacie cesty. Budete sa cítiť sviežo a bude sa Vám ľahšie dýchať.
A vono to dokonce funguje. Opravdu to pomáhá. Takže pokud máte ucpaný nos jak já, tak si to kupte. A pro sichr se taky zásobujte kapesníkama. :D
Saturday, December 1, 2018
Relatives visited today. Left about an hour after I got home from work. Oh well, at least now I can totally relax. And do nothing. Or almost nothing.
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