Poetry blog is a go. Link here: Poetry From Hell. Enjoy! I'm not claiming all of them are good, but there are a few I'm really proud of. Go read some, kay?
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Atlantis backwards

I'm laughing right now. I was playing Skyrim and I stumbled upon a door near the Wayfinder. I got mods installed. I didn't know the door was there. It's not marked on the map. So I'm like... Okay, let's save before doing anything stupid. So I did and then I entered the door. And voila! Atlantis backwards. I appeared at the end of the Atlantis mod. The place where you defeat the final boss and then go back to Skyrim. And yeah, I knew that you appear near the Wayfinder, but! I didn't know it wasn't a one-way trip!
Monday, July 27, 2020
Poetry blog
I was gonna start working on a poetry blog but decided that I need proper natural lighting to do it right. Sounds weird? Well, My poetry is written in this notebook. Illustrated and all. And I was planning on photographing it and then posting it as pictures. But I need natural light in order to make the photos the best I can. So you have to wait for that endeavor until I have a free day or a morning shift. Until den, no poetry blog. But it will happen. Soon-ish.
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
New Phone
I blame my mother. She got herself a new phone and I decided I needed a new one too. So I bought a Samsung S10 in black. Yeah, it was a bit pricier than I would like, but at the same time, I think I'm getting my money's worth. So we're all good. Already have it set up the way I like it and I'm really happy with it. Still have to buy a cover for it and that protective glass, but that can be taken care of tomorrow. When I get off work.
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Už Su Doma
Tak su doma. Konec hluchýmu místu Pokemon Go. Sice to u příbuznejch bylo dobrý, ale prostě, Pokemon Go se tam hrát nedá. Ne, že bych to chtěla pařit každej den, celej den, ale tak pár minut denně, abych nepřišla o bonusy, to jako zase jo. No, a tam to nešlo. Tak teď už sem doma, tak už to pude.
Ale byla tam sranda. Hráli jsme společenské hry a byla tam ta druhá velká opice. A taky spoustu malých godzil, který mají svůj vlastní okršlek. No, toto vymyslela teta, tuto nápovědu a od té doby to používáme všichni.
A na zpáteční cestě jsme byly v IKEI a mám novej přehoz. Taky jsme tam koupily nový prkýnka do kuchyně. Ale takový bezvadný! Tenký a ohebný a prostě sem se uprčila, že je počebujem. Tak sme je koupily.
No, a Ňufa je na toulkách. Vůbec nás nepřišla privítat. Potvora jedna malá!
P.S. In English. Yeah, I ship Ash and James. So sue me. I'm not gonna stop. I also ship Paul and Ash, but this specific pic is just so cute!
Pokemon Go,
Tabletop Games,
Team Rocket,
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Je tu mrtvo
Sedlnice sou normálně hluchý místo, co se Pokemon Go týče. Docela mi to vadí. Hlavně proto, že jsem byla jenom dva dny od bonusu za každodenní chytání a navštěvování Poke Stops. No, co už. Aspoň, že Field Research Breakthrough mi to nezmaří. Mám totiž mise, který jsou splněný, ale neodevzdaný. Doufám, že v tom bonusu bude pak nějákej dobrej pokemon. Doufám, že to bude legendary. Protože toho potřebuju do jiné mise a získat ho z raidu není možný, protože to nemám s kým hrát a legendary se solo dát nedá.
Saturday, July 4, 2020

Looks like I have finally figured out how to make continuous excellent throws in Pokemon Go! Yay me! And the guide I read. Maybe now I can finally do the timed research. Hurray! Hopefully, the rewards will be good. I think there's a pokemon encounter as a reward. I'm hoping for something great!
Also, does anyone else have a problem finishing a research where they want you to catch a legendary? I sure do! I mean, I could go and get it from a raid, but doing it alone is not possible and I don't know anyone in real life that plays the game...
Thursday, July 2, 2020

I got me a shiny Umbreon! Just evolved that shiny Eevee! Super happy about it too! I call him Stardust.
Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Heh! I caught not only a shiny Eevee, but also a Ditto. Not shiny, but still! I needed him for research. So yeah. Insanely happy! Now to fucking walk with the Eevee 10 km to evolve him into Umbreon. Sadly, I already used the name trick so I have to do it the hard way this time.
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