Thursday, August 13, 2020

I'm in love

 Kekekeke! I'm in love. I just finished a drawing. And I used my new white POSCA pen. 0,7. And I love it! I had a different white paint pen, but it didn't work as well as this one! It flows in such a smooth way! I'm in love. And I'm gonna be in love for a while yet. 

Frankly, I was just so surprised when I saw them in my local art supply store. Sure, they have a really limited color selection, but hey! White is all I need for now. If I need additional colors, well, I can always order them online. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

I'm a fucking genius

 And also a complete and utter idiot. I just finished fixing the surface of my desk. The part closest to me. I constantly demolish it when I wear something with a zipper and lean on it. So, I scraped off my temporary fix and painted the part with acrylics. And then I got the bright idea to seal it with a mat finish. So I did and now I can't even type properly because it's not yet dry and I can't bloody well put my arms on it. So I'm typing in this weird awkward way and my shoulders hurt from it. Looks like this now: 

It's not the best fix, but it works for my needs. Now to wait for it to dry. Grrrr.....

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Martin in Skyrim

 Almost half-way through writing the sixth chapter of my Skyrim story. Check what I got so far here

Sunday, August 2, 2020


Tak sem pročistila facebook. Nevím, jestli se dokopám k tomu, abych tam něco prádvala nebo něco podobnýho, ale občas tam hupsnu, aby se neřeklo, takže jestli chcete, můžete se tam se mnou spojit. Hledejte dle mailu - nebo dle mena - Ann Elfwind.

I cleaned up my Facebook. Deleted all but actual family members. Not sure if I'm gonna be posting anything, but I'll check in there a few times a week. So you can reach me there. Look me up by mail - or by nick - Ann Elfwind.